National Adoption Week


Maariyah Ali
National Adoption Week

Fresh off the success of our campaigns for National Adoption Week, we wanted to let you all know what we’ve been up to for these past (busy!) few weeks. As many of you already know, National Adoption Week began on the 18thOctober and ran through till the 24th. This year, we decided to create three tool kits to raise awareness on adoption in the Muslim community, and challenge commonly spread misconceptions. Our toolkits were designed to promote positive stories around adoption, catering to a wide range of audiences. 

Adoption Friday on the 22ndOctober was another one of our national campaigns. Our aim was to help raise the profile of adoption in Muslim communities, we wanted to highlight and share stories championing adoption. One of the ways we did this was through high profile individuals in the community; such as Naz Shah, Fadi Itani & Mufti Amjad Mohammed (to name a few!) sharing their thoughts/personal stories on adoption. We took small quotes from them and added them to posters and uploaded a few a day to promote Adoption Friday on our social media pages. Pop over to our Instagram page (myadoptionfamilyuk) to have a look. 

For Adoption Friday we had mosques all around the UK delivering the Friday Sermon on adoption, and a community event on zoom. Our events were supported by the Muslim Council of Britain, the British Board of Scholars and Imans, and the Islamic Council of Europe. We had an amazing turnout for both of our campaigns, and great engagement on our social media platforms, and can’t wait to see what next year brings for us. A huge thankyou to everyone who supported us.

Quote from our CEO, Shadim Hussain;

‘We have worked hard to develop our toolkits, which we hope will break down barriers and tackle misconceptions… we want adoption to be welcoming so we can ensure we meet the needs of all the children waiting to be adopted in England.’ 

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